Conférence « Intellectual colonialism in a country without colonies: The case study of Czech anthropological museology in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries »


Le jeudi 19 novembre prochain, de 11h à 12h30, l’IPAC et le CELAT auront le plaisir d’accueillir l’anthropologue Markéta Křížová de l’Université Charles de Prague de façon virtuelle pour sa conférence « Intellectual colonialism in a country without colonies: The case study of Czech anthropological museology in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries »

Voici un aperçu de la conférence qui sera donnée en anglais sur la plateforme Zoom :

« Debates about the “margins of colonialism” have been going on for some time already in various national and regional historiographies in those parts of the world, both in and out of Europe, that were not directly involved in colonial expansion.

Landlocked within the European mainland, the inhabitants of the Czech Lands scarcely participated in the overseas explorations and exploitations. Still, there were numerous and varied “colonial fantasies”. From the 1870s the Náprstek Museum (Náprstkovo muzeum), an institution of distinctive origin and history, constituted a center for knowledge about the lifestyles and cultures of non-European nations for Czech intellectuals and at the same time a platform for expressing their desire for colonial possessions and sense of entitlement to them.

Existing until today, the museum offers an interesting case for studying the long-term continuations of the colonialist dreams of the small Central European nation. »

Markéta Křížová est professeure au Center for Ibero-American Studies of Faculty of Arts de l’Université Charles de Prague. Ses recherches portent sur l’histoire intellectuelle de la période moderne, l’expansionnisme européen et l’histoire coloniale de l’Amérique. Elle est membre du European Network in Universal and Global History ainsi que du Council for Exhibition Activity of the National Museum of the Czech Republic, et est impliquée dans plusieurs programmes de coopération internationale dans l’enseignement aux cycles supérieurs.

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