Colloque virtuel « Museum Exhibition Design : Histories and Futures »

Avis aux intéressé.e.s!

Vous avez jusqu’au lundi 22 juin 2020 pour soumettre vos propositions de communications dans le cadre du colloque international « Museum Exhibition Design : Histories and Futures ». Organisé par l’Université de Brighton (Angleterre), l’événement se déroulera de façon virtuelle du 1er au 11 septembre 2020. Pour plus de détails sur l’inscription et les modalités de participation, cliquez ici.

Introduction de l’argumentaire :

The exhibition and its power over objects and visitors is a commonly analysed aspect of museum history. Museum Studies is underpinned by seminal texts attending to the poetics and politics of museum display. Yet the activities, agendas, experiences and impact of those historically involved in museum exhibition design have rarely been considered. While contemporary museum exhibition design is a thriving field of study, Suzanne MacLeod, Charlotte Klonk and Sam Alberti have all noted that the agents of past display practices have often remained hidden. Apart from the occasional ‘starchitect’, art museum curator, or author of a “how to” volume, exhibition makers – from early curators and technicians, to more recent design, interpretation and other exhibition professionals – have tended to remain ‘behind the scenes’ of the museum. The collaborative effort of creating an exhibition is often neglected.

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